Commemorative stamp series marking 15th anniversary of Polish People’s Army was issued and introduced on 1st October 1958 by the Ministry of Communication (Dz.Ł. nr 22/1958, 126, poz. 165). Stamps were printed in PWPW by rotogravure technique on white woodless thick and smooth paper as well as on white thick, slightly horizontally striped paper. Stamps were printed in 70-stamp sheets, 10 x 7 items.
The stamps presented military orders against a ribbon in the background. The orders were given for extraordinary merits during wartime. A 40 groszy stamp pictured Partisan Cross. A 60 groszy stamp pictured Virtuti Military Cross. A 2,50 złoty stamp pictured Grunwald Cross. The stamps were printed meticulously and only few colour printing errors are known so far.
A 60 groszy stamp lacking brown colour, which is central to Virtuti Military Cross and depicts an eagle, (Pic.1) and enlargement (Pic.2) had been unknown until only recently.
Pic.1 | Pic.2 |
The central part of Virtuti Military Cross which is composed of three colourful areas of small size had been a part challenging to match. The picture below depicts colour changes. (Pic. 3).
English version: Anna Siarkiewicz
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