1958 A New Postmark

In 1958 a new design of postmark was introduced promoting the Wimbledon championships. It remained in use until 1964. It was decided that it would be more efficient if ordinary non-registered mail was handstamped in the main office rather than sending it to the mobile office for stamping and then returned for forwarding to the addressee.

It left the mobile office free to deal with the registered mail and other services. The mobile office also postmarked ordinary letters received when the main office had closed. That meant two handstamps were needed, one for use in the main office and another in the mobile office sited at the Ground. To identify one handstamp from the other one handstamp had the stop after the post code S.W.19 removed. Each year it was a lottery which handstamp was used in which office. That with the stop was used in the main office in 1958, 1959, 1960, 1962 and 1963 and that without the stop in the 1961 and 1964.

In 1958 The Championships were held from Monday, 23 June to Saturday, 5th July

Certificates Of Posting: The mobile office charged one penny for a proof of posting certificate for ordinary mail but free for registered mail. Regulations required that the mobile’s circular date stamp be used on registration receipts.

A certificate of posting for an unregistered item stamped with the commemorative postmark that shows no time. It was often the practice to handstamp mail in the mobile office leaving the space for the time left blank. Postmark Wednesday, 25th June with the handstamp showing no time.

A certificate of posting for an unregistered item stamped with the commemorative postmark showing 6.45.PM.

A certificate of posting for registered mail stamped with the same mobile date stamp.

A non-registered letter postmarked 3.-PM Monday, 30th June 1958 in the main office. That year the handstamp with the stop was used in the main office.

A registered letter postmarked, Monday, 23rd June 1958. The handstamp without a stop was used in the mobile office. The registered mail was usually stamped with space for showing the time left blank. The single circle date stamps were used on receipts. This is stamp B used in the mobile office number 3.


In 1959 the handstamp with the stop was used in the main office.

A non-registered letter postmarked 3.-PM Monday, 22nd June 1959 in the main office.

A registered letter postmarked, Saturday, 27th June 1959. The handstamp without a stop was used in the mobile office. The registered mail was usually stamped with space for showing the time left blank. The back of the cover and the receipt have been stamped with the mobile date stamp A in MPO No.3.


In 1960 the handstamp with the stop was used in the main office.

A non-registered letter postmarked 12.45.PM Monday, 20th June 1960 in the main office.

In 1960 the handstamp without stop after the post code S.W.19 was used in the mobile office. The registered mail was usually stamped with space for showing the time left blank.

Mobile date stamp B was used in the mobile office number 3 and on the receipt.

A registered letter postmarked, Monday, 20th June 1960.


In 1961 the handstamp without a stop after the post code S.W.19 was used in the main office.

A non-registered letter postmarked 12.45.PM Monday, 26th June 1961 in the main office.

In 1961 the handstamp with the stop after the post code S.W.19 was used in the mobile office. The registered mail was usually stamped with space for showing the time left blank.

Mobile date stamp A was used in MPO No. 3. The receipt would have been enclosed in the letter.

A registered letter postmarked, Monday, 26th June 1961


In 1962 the handstamp showing the stop was used in the main office.

A non-registered letter postmarked 12.45.PM Tuesday, 26th June 1962 in the main office.

A registered letter postmarked Tuesday, 26th June 1962 with the space for time left blank as usual.

In 1962 the handstamp without a stop after the post code S.W.19 was used in mobile office No.3.


In 1963 the handstamp with the stop was used in the main office.

A non-registered letter postmarked with the stop 12.45.PM Monday, 24th June 1963 in the main office.

In 1963 the handstamp without a stop after the post code S.W.19 was used in the mobile office. The registered mail was usually stamped with space for showing the time left blank.

A registered air letter postmarked, Monday 24th June 1963. Mobile date stamp A was used in MPO No.3. It is unusual to for it to have been stamped on the registration label


In 1964 the handstamp that did not show a stop after the post code S.W.19 was used in the main office.

A non-registered letter postmarked 12.45.PM Friday, 25th June 1964 in the main office.

In 1964 the handstamp showing a stop after the post code S.W.19. was used in mobile office No.3.

A registered letter postmarked Thursday, 2nd July 1964 with the space for time left blank as usual.

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