1963 The Third Monday in the Mobile Office

On Saturday, 6th July 1963, the last scheduled day of The Championschips, rain completely washed out play and the four finals were held over until the following Monday, 8th July.


 In 1963 the handstamp showing the stop after the post code had been used in the main office during the first two weeks. As the Championships were scheduled to finish on the last Saturday the handstamp was sent to the mobile office to be kept for use next year. That handstamp with the stop, was then used in the mobile office on the Monday instead of that without the stop that had been used previously during the first two weeks.

Postmarked in the mobile office 3. – PM, Monday, 8th July 1963

Postmarked in the mobile office 8.30. – PM, Monday, 8th July 1963

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