1965-1971 The Gap

In 1965 a new pair of handstamps were introduced that were of a similar design but a little smaller. As before they could be separately identified. One had a larger space between the words ALL ENGLAND than the other.


Again, each year it was a lottery which stamp was used in which office. That with the larger gap between the words was used in the main office in 1965, 1968, 1969 and 1970 and that with the smaller gap in 1966, 1967 and 1971


In 1965 the handstamp with the larger gap was used in the main office.

An ordinary letter postmarked with the 5- PM Tuesday, 22nd June 1965 in the main office.

In 1965 the handstamp showing the smaller gap the words ALL ENGLAND was used in mobile office No.3.

Date stamp B was used in MPO No.3.

A registered letter postmarked Monday, 21st June 1965 with the space for time left blank as usual.


In 1966 the handstamp with the smaller gap was used in the main office.

A non-registered letter postmarked 12.45 PM Monday, 20th June 1966 in the main office.

A non-registered letter postmarked without time Wednesday, 29th June 1966 in the mobile office with the handstamp that had the larger gap.

Ordinary postmarked in the mobile office probably because it had missed the last collection of the day for the main office. The space for showing the time was left blank as was usual for registered mail postmarked in the mobile but it was most unusual for the mobile date stamp to be used to cancel the stamp.

In 1966 the handstamp with the larger gap between the words ALL ENGLAND was used in the mobile office. As this was the first batch of the day, on the first day of The Championships to be postmarked a time was shown. Later in the day a time was not always shown.

Date stamp A was used in MPO No.3.

A registered air letter postmarked 12.45 PM Monday, 20th June 1966 in the mobile office.


1967-1971 The Gap and Time

In 1967 it was decided that all promotional handstamps used in the mobile office at the Ground must show a time when being used to cancel stamps. This rule also applied in 1969, 1970 and 1971. It is not known why the rule was not applied in 1968 and the previous practice of leaving blank the space for showing a time was reverted to.


In 1967 the handstamp with the smaller gap was used in the main office.

An ordinary letter postmarked 4.30 PM Monday, 30th June 1967 in the main office.

In 1967 the handstamp with the larger gap between the words ALL ENGLAND was used in the mobile office.

Date stamp B was used in MPO 3. Note that No.3. was changed to read just 3.

A registered letter postmarked 2.15 PM Monday, 26th June 1967


In 1968 the handstamp with the larger gap was used in the main office.

An ordinary letter postmarked 2.15 PM Thursday, 4th July 1968 in the main office

An unregistered air letter posted at the Ground and as normal practice, sent to the main office, where it was postmarked 6.45 PM Monday, 1st July 1968

The first week was the wettest on record but the second week saw dramatic improvement. This letter, dated the second Monday, says that weatherwise it could hardly be better with the temperature into the 90s. He names many players he saw.

In 1968 for some unknown reason it was decided to drop the rule introduced in the previous year, (and was to be reapplied in 1969,1970 and 1971) that all promotional handstamps used to cancel stamps in the mobile office at the Ground must show a time. In 1968 the practice reverted to thet of years previous to 1967 when it had been usual to omit the time, especially on registered mail and letters posted Saturdays and weekends after the last day’s collection for the main office had gone.

In 1968 the handstamp with the smaller gap between the words ALL ENGLAND was used in the mobile office.

An ordinary letter postmarked 4.15 PM Saturday, 29th June 1968 in the mobile office with the handstamp with the smaller gap.

Date stamp A was used in MPO 3.

A registered letter postmarked Monday, 24th June 1968 with the space to show a time left blank.


In 1969 the handstamp with the larger gap was used in the main office.

An ordinary letter postmarked 2.15 PM Friday, 27th June 1969 in the main office.

In 1969 the rule originally introduced in 1967 requiring all promotional handstamps used to cancel stamps in the mobile office at the Ground, must show a time was reintroduced.

In 1969 the handstamp with the smaller gap was used in mobile office.

Date stamp A was used in MPO No 3.

A registered letter (unusually postmarked as late as 8.15 PM) Friday, 27th June 1969 in the mobile office.


In 1970 the handstamp with the larger gap between the words ALL ENGLAND was used in the main office.

Postmark in the main office by the handstamp with the larger gap.

An ordinary letter postmarked 2.15 PM Monday, 22nd June 1970.

 Postmarked in the mobile office by the handstamp with the smaller gap.

An ordinary letter postmarked in the Mobile office 2.15 PM Wednesday, 24th June 1970. Normally, unregistered mail posted at the Ground was sent to the main office for postmarking except Saturdays and weekdays when the last collection of the day had gone. Perhaps there were no late collections that afternoon.

In 1970 all promotional handstamps when used to cancel stamps needed to show a time, including those in the mobile office.

Date stamp D was used in MPO 3

A registered letter postmarked 6.45 PM Monday, 22nd June 1970. Postmarked in the mobile office by the handstamp with the smaller gap.


In 1971 the handstamp with the larger gap between the words ALL ENGLAND was used in the main office. As in 1967, 1969 and 1970 all promotional handstamps showed a time and none exist without a time shown.

Postmarked in the main office by the handstamp with the larger gap. An ordinary letter postmarked 2.15 PM Monday, 21st June 1971.

Postmarked at the Ground (because the main office closed Saturday afternoons) by the handstamp with the smaller gap. An ordinary letter postmarked 4.15 Saturday, 26th June 1971. Note the absence of stops and PM in the time.

1971 was the last year that a mobile temporary post office was stationed at The Championships.

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